
Learn how to automatically install, integrate and setup any library in your code by just running one command.

Step 1

Fill the this form to get early access to Codact. You will recieve the package and the installation information via mail.

Step 2

How to install and setup any package in your project.

codact install <package_name> -p <prompt> -f <relative_file_path>


package_name - The package name that you want to install eg. stripe, etc.

-p or prompt - Any special instruction that you want to pass like the integration should happen in some way or it should create an API with it or more.

-f or relative_file_path - The file where you want to add the changes to. It is an relative file path.


codact install stripe -p "add rest endpoint" -f ""

It will install the stripe package in your project and will also update your file to setup it and add an rest endpoint.

Step 3

How to debug any command.

codact debug -r <run_command>


-r - The run command you want to debug like pip install requirements.txt


codact debug -r "python"

This command will debug your run command i.e. puthon and will output in logs if there is any issues and will provide resolutions for the same.